Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This paper describes Dynamo, Amazon's highly available Key-value store.
As the title says, Dynamo is a simple key-value store, runs on large number of servers, takes failure into account as a normal event, and makes trade-off for availability.
As we've seen so far, lots of traditional data store don't work well in super-large configuration. GFS and BigTable represents google's response to the issue, and Dynamo is Amazon's.
The most interesting point is that they weight write over read - usually the opposite is the case.
This is due to how Amazon's main application - e-commerce - works.
Another interesting point is emphasis on SLA and its representation - 99.9%.
Dynamo is highly engineered toward meeting Amazon's needs.
Even though Dynamo let users choose some trade-off, but there are already a lot of assumption regarding workload characteristic. (Of course, this is the case with GFS and BigTable)
I guess that it is time for another general solution to come. (SCADS?)


  1. Regarding your comment about the solution generality, there is an interesting question of how much generality one would need over Dynamo. Generality brings also complexity, which is probably one of the main reasons of why in practice you end up with good enough solutions rather than optimized solutions for each workload. HTTP and TCP protocols, and NFS are just a few examples that come to mind to illustrate the previous point.

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